Horizontal Beehives

Layens Hive

Layens Hive


bees….natures reproducers

Bees pollinate a staggering 80 percent of all flowering plants, including approximately 75 percent of the fruits, nuts, and vegetables grown in the United States (National Wildlife Federation).

Our apiary features 5 Layens hives (so far). Layens is the original horizontal hive with extra-deep frames, invented in the 19th century by the famous French beekeeper Georges de Layens.

The plans for these hives are available for free from www.horizontalhive.com (notice hive is singular), along with several other great resources and information. We highly recommend checking out Dr. Leo.

These hives are made from 2x12’s and include joinery designed to shed water and provide double the insulation value of hives commonly available in the US. These hives are also easier to work with, as there is no lifting of heavy honey supers or dismantling the entire hive, the heaviest thing we should have to lift is a single frame laden with gloriously delicious chemical free honey.

We have hand crafted Layens beehives for sale, while supplies last. Meticulously constructed, solid joinery, single-piece metal roof, should last outside for years. Painted in 3 coats of the most durable all weather exterior paint money can buy.

Sale Price: $400 includes 14 frames, shipping extra